
Friday, 29 October 2021

Frank Stella art! 2021

 We have been learning about abstract art. It’s all about creating works of art that don’t actually look like anything. We focused on the American artist Frank Stella, who liked to make pictures using shapes like circles, triangles and rectangles.

Here is my work enjoy!

Friday, 22 October 2021


 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: I am peace. It was about a how to control your feelings. 

 I chose to make a peace tree and a poem!

Friday, 1 October 2021

Handwirting, Term 3 2021

 We had to do a handwriting sample this week. My handwriting is not that good but it’s way better than the start of the year.

Cross country 2021

 Thanks to Covid we could only have Ohaeawai kids in our cross country this year.  I came 1st in my year group. Hope you enjoy some of my photos.