
Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Bunny hop challenge

We have been leaning to do procedural writing.

Kapa Haka

This year I have been learning kapa haka with my teacher Mrs Clarke. Here is a photo of some of our group.


We made a screencastify to show our parents how good we are at our maths.
This is my screencastify.


 We have been learning the names of fruit in Maori. Here are some we have learnt.

Friday, 7 December 2018


Here is a screencastify of me reading my poem. We need to read clearly with good pace and expression.

At reading I am good at sounding words out.

Here are the questions about my poem. We need to answer in full sentences.

I need to work on doing my work faster.

Friday, 30 November 2018

Handwriting Term 4

We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.
I am good at making my letters sit on the line.

I need to get better at making them tidier.

Acrostic poem

We have been learning poems This is an acrostic poem I wrote.

Friday, 23 November 2018

Vaseline saucer

First we drew a picture of what we wanted our Vaseline Saucer to look like. Second we made what we drew, finally we had a picture of us with our Vaseline saucer. I think I did well because the Vaseline saucer looked like the picture that I drew.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Christmas Tree

Today Team Awa have sketched a Christmas tree then we wrote down words about Christmas . Then we wrote a poem about Christmas. Here is my work.

Thursday, 8 November 2018


This term we have completed two pieces of art. One was inspired by an artist named Kadinsky who used coloured circles in his work. We looked at the contrast between warm and cool colours and the black and white of the buildings.

Our second piece was using the Maori words we have learnt and using these to create a visual picture. The words become the shape of the picture.

One thing I did well was some very very nice colours.
One thing I could improve on is the placement of my fruit.

Friday, 26 October 2018

Greats and Grands day

Last week we had our Greats and Grands day. We wrote poems for our grandparents. Here is my poem about why my grandparents are so special.

Here is a photo of us on Greats and Grands Day.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Addition or subtraction.

Here is my video I made on addition or subtraction.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Basic Facts Test Term 3

Here is my B F T for stage 2-3 and 4 for the end of Term 3.

I got 30 out of 30 on Stage 2-3 and 20 out of 60 on Stage 4.

I am good at my doubles/halves to 20.

I need to work on my tens that add to 100.

Friday, 7 September 2018


We have been leaning Measurement. Here is a picture of my Measurement learning.

Procedural Writing

We have been leaning how to write up instructions for make a sandwich.
First get the piece of bread.
Next get the slice of tomato.
After you have got the tomato on, you can put the ham on your sandwich.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Save the world Thinglink

This is all the information that I know about saving the world.
I know that you should not throw rubbish out the car window.
I know that you should not be a litter bug.
I know that if you see rubbish just pick it up like a good kid.

Kauri tree art

This is how we made our Kauri tree.

1 We made some clouds.
 2 We dye the paper blue for the background.
3 We  finger painted the tree trunks.
4 We made the leaves on our tree trunks by first painting bits of paper then ripping the paper up .
5 We did the ground for our kauri tree.
6 We made our slogans.

Friday, 6 July 2018


We have been learning about fractions. This is what i know about fractions.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Repeated addition

We have been learning how repeated addition is the same as multiplication.

Term 2      Multiplication .

Can you use  repeated addition  for these multiplication problems.


Change these repeated addition problems into a multiplication sum.


Write in the  missing 2,5,10 x’s tables





Garden to Table

Each week we go to Garden to Table . We are in the kitchen learning  how to cook or we are in the garden weeding ,planting or watering. I like to learn how to cook  using the tools in the picture.

Koru Weaving Art-Term 2

Garden To Table

Each week we go to Garden to Table. We are either in the garden weeding,watering or planting or we are in the kitchen cooking. I like learning how to cook.

Basic Facts Term 2

We have been working on answering basic facts questions quickly and instantly.

I am at Stage 2-3.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Handwriting Term 2

We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.
I am good at forming my letters.
I need to get better at sitting the letters on the line.

Monday, 11 June 2018

Basic facts term 2

We have been working on answering basic facts questions quickly and instantly.

I am at Stage 2-3.


We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.
I am good at making it tidy.
I need to get better at working faster.

Friday, 8 June 2018


We have been learning how to play golf.
On Thursdays, Mr Golf has been coming to teach us new skills.
I liked the games that made Mr Golf do press-ups.

I am good at aiming the ball.

I need to work on lifting the ball off the ground with the golf club.

We have been learning how to play golf.
On Thursdays, Mr Golf has been coming to teach us new skills.
I liked the games that made Mr Golf do press-ups.

I am good at aiming the ball.

I need to work on lifting the ball off the ground with the golf club.

ASB get wise

           A S B get wise
A man from the ASB came to our class to teach us about
money and how to use it. These are some things that I
1: you can keep your money in your Bank just so you can
keep it safe.
2: you can use the banks money But you have to give
some of your Money to the ASB bank.   

3: you can use your only Debit card and then you can buy
your wants.

The Hot air balloon race

This week we have used a picture as motivation for our writing. We had a story starter and then we had
to carry on the story. What I like about my writing is my full stops and capital letters.
I need to improve on using adjectives. We also made a google draw showing the things that we would
take with us in on the balloon.

Hot air balloon               
I have packed some clothes. I have packed some food like
2 minute noodles, tomatoes and doughnuts. My mum and dad
and my one friend came with me. We will go to Hong Kong first. I always wanted too and now I'm finally doing it. I would spend all that prize money on homeless people.

When I look out of my hot air balloon, I could hear the little
voices cheering for all the crews. There were lots of birds and
clouds around us. All of the little dots were the homes and
there were tiny little cars that looked like ants. It was so much
fun. It smelt like heaven and I kind of got cloud sick. I had lots
of fun with my best friend Kaira. Cruz’s crew came first in the

Animal Town - Writing Starter

Kia ora
This week we have used another picture as motivation for our writing. We had a story starter and then
we had to carry on the story. What I like about my writing is that it is creative.
I need to improve on my spelling. Here is my writing about Animal Town.

Animal Town
“Yay!” When I visited animal town there was a warning, so I read it and it said “Be careful of all the animals because they are crazy animals.” So I looked out for crazy animals and when I arrived there was a golden lion, a big hairy orangutan, a black and white zebra, a rainbow parakeet, a cute grey and white koala and a big brown and black bear.

They weren't crazy and I had so much fun with the lion. It was the best day of my life and the best memories were where I saw a zebra crossing the street, and an orangutan looking for all the bad animals and a big cute koala climbing a tree and tall meerkats looking at the bear while the bear was in a yellow van with the cute and cuddly koala. The koala is climbing up it’s comfy tree, it likes to eat delicious leaves in my comfy tree.

Friday, 25 May 2018

The Pou

As part of our writing programme we have been doing environmental writing. We had to sketch an object and as we were sketching we wrote down thoughts that we had. Then we wrote our thoughts down  as a poem. We cut out the sketch and added this to our writing